“Would you let a delivery person bring a pizza while you have a babysitter?”

It may sound like an innocent question, but in this day-and-age… it is a significant question to ask.

As a mother of 3 little boys, at first thought… I may not see a problem. An innocent pizza delivery. Something I’ve done dozens upon dozens of times. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized the dangers of that stranger coming to my door. And as I struggled with the idea of that easy and much-loved pizza lunch or dinner, I thought about that delivery stranger coming to my door when my kids are with a babysitter.

No way.

Plain and simple.

This question was posed to several moms, through an informal poll format, in one upper-middle-class neighborhood. A variety of opinions, including some you may not have thought about, were aired.

To read the opinions, see Betsy Flagler’s June 8th Providence Sunday Journal article by clicking HERE.